Welcome to MIUA 2019

23rd Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis

24-26 July 2019

MIUA is a UK-based international conference for the communication of image processing and analysis research and its application to medical imaging and biomedicine. This is a rapidly growing subject with ever increasing real-world applicability.

Who is encouraged attend?

MIUA welcomes all researchers in medical imaging including mathematicians, computer scientists, bioinformaticians, clinicians, engineers and bioscientists.


MIUA covers many topics in medical imaging including

Biomarker Discovery  •  Image Enhancement  •  Virtual Reality   Deep Learning  •  Image Interpretation  •  Texture Analysis   Image Guided Intervention  •  Segmentation  •  Perception   Modelling And Simulation  •  Multi Modal Image Analysis   Machine Learning  •  Registration

Word Cloud of Paper Titles from MIUA 2017

Invited speakers



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